
Mukya Mantrir Jiban Jyoti Bima Achani

Mukya Mantrir Jiban Jyoti Bima Achani is a Government of Assam scheme for combined health and personal accident insurance. Launched in 2006, the scheme aims to provide relief to families living Below Poverty Line (BPL). The scheme provides financial aid for accidental death and permanent loss of body parts such as hand, finger, eyes etc in accidents. It also covers treatment for some selected ailments. Mukya Mantrir Jiban Jyoti Bima is implemented via the Social Welfare Department.

Details of Mukya Mantrir Jiban Jyoti Bima Achani

  • Name of the Scheme: Mukya Mantrir Jiban Jyoti Bima Achoni
  • Department: Social Welfare Department.
  • Target group: Residents of Assam belonging to age group 3-80 years
  • Benefits: Financial aid for accidental death, permanent loss of body parts due to accidents and selected diseases. Depending on the nature of the ailment, there are different slabs in grants for treatment.
  • Eligibility: Legal residents of Assam within age group 3 to 80 years and living below poverty line.

Mukya Mantrir Jiban Jyoti Bima Achoni claim forms are provided via the Revenue Circle Offices, Block Development Offices, Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat Offices. The claim forms are to be submitted in the Revenue Circle Offices. District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO) settles the claims on the recommendation of the District Level Committee headed by Deputy Commissioner.

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